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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/27/22 Jesus' Prayer Chris Huntley Here I am to Worship Sun AM 2022_03_27_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
03/20/22 Prayer: Talking to the Creator of All That Is Chris Huntley Here I am to Worship Sun AM 2022_03_20_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
03/13/22 Prayer Chris Huntley Here I am to Worship Sun AM 2022_03_13_Sun_AM_Service.mp3
02/27/22 Hymns in Paul's Epistles Chris Huntley Here I am to Worship Sun AM 2022_02_27_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
02/20/22 After Singing a Hymn: An Example of Collective Singing in the New Testament Chris Huntley Here I am to Worship Sun AM 2022_02_20_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
02/13/22 Collective Singing Chris Huntley Here I am to Worship Sun AM 2022_02_13_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
01/30/22 Sphere Sovereignty Chris Huntley Here I am to Worship Sun AM 2022_01_30_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
01/23/22 Tested by God Chris Huntley The Testing Narratives Sun AM 2022_01_23_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
01/16/22 We Are Here in Spirit Chris Huntley Here I am to Worship Sun AM 2022_01_16_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
01/02/22 Here I am to Worship Chris Huntley Here I am to Worship Sun AM 2022_01_02_Sun_AM_Service.mp3
11/14/21 Oh, That the Mountains Might Quake Chris Huntley N/A Sun AM 2021_11_14_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
10/31/21 The Fruit of the Spirit Chris Huntley N/A Sun AM 2021_10_31_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
10/24/21 The Gradual Miracle Chris Huntley N/A Sun AM 2021_10_24_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
10/17/21 Tale of Two Kenites Chris Huntley N/A Sun AM 2021_10_17_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
10/10/21 The Great Comission Chris Huntley N/A Sun AM 2021_10_10_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
09/26/21 Fishers of Men Chris Huntley N/A Sun AM 2021_09_26_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
09/12/21 In the Garden: How Gardens Factor into the Resurrection Account Chris Huntley N/A Sun AM 2021_09_12_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
09/05/21 On the Third Day Chris Huntley N/A Sun AM 2021_09_05_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
08/29/21 "Behold He is Risen": Using Uncontested Facts to Provide a Defense for the Resurrection Chris Huntley N/A Sun AM 2021_08_29_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
08/15/21 Just for Today Chris Huntley The Testing Narratives Sun AM 2021_08_15_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
08/01/21 Leading His People from Egypt Chris Huntley The Testing Narratives Sun AM 2021_08_01_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
07/25/21 God Provides Mana in the Wilderness Chris Huntley The Testing Narratives Sun AM 2021_07_25_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
07/18/21 I Am Your Healer Chris Huntley The Testing Narratives Sun AM 2021_07_18_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
07/11/21 What's Missing: The Sermon on the Mount Chris Huntley Sermon on the Mount Sun AM 2021_07_11_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3
06/27/21 The Wise Man and the Foolish Man Chris Huntley Sermon on the Mount Sun AM 2021_06_27_Sun_AM_Sermon.mp3

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